Activity by country: now available to you!
We present to your attention an updated section of statistics on users and countries: more informative and clearly organized!
We’ve added performance statistics by country to the interface of your personal account. Now you’re able to not only view the number of clicks, registrations and players obtained as a result of your work, but also to view the activity of users by country.
Dedicated to vacations: new draw of Loteria Nacional
July 1, in Spain another draw of Loteria Nacional will be held. Increased prizes are guaranteed! Colorful banners are already available in your personal account!
We announce a new draw of Loteria Nacional dedicated to vacations. The draw will take place on July 1. The Spanish game guarantees increased prizes of 16 prize tiers. Bright and colorful banners of Sorteo Extraordinario de Vacaciones are already available in your personal account!